Sunday, July 02, 2006

Yuba Lake, Day 3

Robyn, Emilee, Sarah, Chelsea, Carson, Cory

Carson, Sarah, Emilee

Sam and our nephew Adam tried to see who could hold on longer to the tube...

Ooops, Adam won!

After everything was packed up and torn down at camp, everybody headed to the lake for some last minute fun. Carson rode the tube behind the boat, but he was pretty freaked out...we'll need to work on his water skills I guess.


Susan said...

Did you get to see Fayette from the boat?

Carrie said...

Does Fayette look like a vast desert covered in sagebrush? Then, YES!

Tracie said...

Looks like you had a great time!!

Susan said...

Fayette does have some sage brush but it also has some houses.