Saturday, April 19, 2008

Date Night

I have a wonderful husband! He arranged for a babysitter and purchased tickets to see the movie "Leatherheads" without me even knowing it.

We leave in an hour and I'm extremely happy. Day in and day out of taking care of a newborn deserves a little outing don't you think?

Thanks Sam!!


Jess said...

how was the movie? did you have fun? good job sam-bo!

Holly Strong said...

YAY SAM!!!! How'd you like the movie? Davis wants to go see it. I also did this once for Davis, but he had no idea until we were basically sitting in the seats at the theatre (I told him we were buying tickets for my Dad for Christmas...we were...but after that we went to our seats.) He was surprised, it was cool!

Amy said...

Russ and I just saw this yesterday too. I thought it was a good movie. I will have to tell you the long story behind our date sometime.

Unknown said...

What a fun surprise! Every mother DOES deserve a night out once in a while - or more often than that in my case! ;)
We saw that movie last weekend too - we enjoyed it!