Monday, April 14, 2008

It Pays To Do Laundry

Remember how Sam's dream of owning a plasma TV finally came true? Well 3 weeks after he purchased his 'baby', the TV went on sale for $200 less than what we paid. Sam wanted to go back to Costco and ask if they would give him $200. I told him he was crazy because it bugs me when people do that. I figure that's the risk you take when you buy never know when it will go on sale. You don't see me going back to Harmon's and asking for $2 when Mountain Dew goes on sale the day after I paid full price, do you? Never.

Well, luckily Sam didn't listen to me. He went to Costco and somehow he convinced them to give him $200. I was so shocked I told him that he could keep the $200 to buy whatever he wanted because I wouldn't have even tried. So he is thinking he wants an Ipod.

I did laundry the other day and look what I found in the washer!

Oh yeah, it's one of Sam's $20 from the $200 Costco cash stash! SWEET! I can buy a lot of Mountain Dew with $ really DOES pay to do laundry. Usually I just find a penny, dime, or the elusive quarter. Once in awhile I find candy wrappers or some rocks. Let's not forget the time I washed a bunch of Hershey Kisses that were in Parker's pocket. But, I have never, no never, found a $20 bill. I feel so loved! Thanks Sam!


Jess said...

dude! that is so stinkin awesome! way to go sam.. and watch out for carrie the next couple of weeks - she might go wild with all of the mt dew we know she's going to buy..

laura said...

finding money is the BEST! i found a $50 bill in the t.j. maxx parking lot one time. i figured it was a sign that i needed to spend it of course that's what i did!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, very funny.

Anonymous said...

you can buy mountain dew with the grocery money--- go for a pedicure!!

DJ and Gin Family said...

I would have atleast asked for half of the money.... maybe Sam should do a couple of loads of laundry for you as well.(That's a hint Sam)

Unknown said...

Awe, what a sweet hubby you have - to hide money in the laundry for you! LOL Nice!

Amelia said...
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Amelia said...

I think that's so fantastic!

I have this HORRIBLE talent of washing my work pens with my uniform. Needless to say Carrie, I look like one of the 101 Dalmations. I walk into work with black and blue ink stains ALL over the place. Luckily I work with the box printers at work so I have labels in ink printed all over various parts of my uniforms from when I wasn't looking and was standing in front of the printer eye. My left leg today says "Grrrrreat Value" I moved in the middle of the "Great". I swear I check my pockets but everytime, when my roommates here me cursing the dryer they know it's cause I washed another pen... maybe one day I will be lucky enough to find a $20. So have it! Buy all the mountain dew that your lil heart desires

Natalie said...

Go Sam! I found $40 in the street while I was jogging last summer. I guess it pays to do laundry AND exercise.

Susan said...

And, of course, the rule is money left in pockets in the dirty clothes is a tip for the one doing the washing.

Anonymous said...

One day Carson and I were walking out of a store and he said "look! a dollar!!!!" I looked down and saw a bill folded up and two zero's were showing. I picked it up and it was a $100 bill. I took measures to find the owner and even told customer service I had found a single large bill and gove them my number. Nobody claimed it after a couple months so it was mine :)