His scab finally fell off on Sunday night so yesterday morning I put the helmet on. After 3 hours I could tell he was hurting because the helmet rubbed against the sensitive skin of his former 'owie'. I took him back into the orthotist, again, and had them adjust the helmet...again. He's had the helmet for 2 weeks and I've been to the orthotist 4 times. By now I know all the employees and their life histories.
Anywho, the orthotist made quite a large bubble around Cameron's sore so the helmet doesn't even touch it now. Cameron is happy and I'm even happier. The helmet doesn't seem to bug him at all, he even slept from 7:30pm last night to 8:00am this morning! Yahooooooo!!!!!!
Thanks for everybody's advice on switching physical therapists/orthotists. I carefully digested everything you said in your comments and I even talked to some of you in person. I made a decision on what to do. I have successfully switched his orthotist and everybody was really cool about it, especially the receptionist. She told me the orthotist that I used to go to does everything from helmets to prosthetics. The orthotist I have now ONLY works with helmets and he's great.
As for the physical therapist...my next appt is a week from today and Sam graciously took the day off so he could come with me. We'll both evaluate the therapist at this next appointment. If we both feel like it's not a compatible relationship, then I'll switch therapists as soon as the appointment is over. I'm beyond weird feelings, I just want the therapy to work and be done with it.
Howeve, maybe Parker needed therapy on his neck when he was a baby and nobody knew it. Look how these two were sitting yesterday. Funny!
This picture shows the bubble in the helmet. Look on Cameron's right side, your left side, above his ear. See the outward bump? There is still quite a knot right there on Cameron's head. The orthotist said it will go away after time.
Guess what started today??
Carson's bowling classes! Not only does he get to learn how to bowl, he gets to learn with 2 of his buddies, Tanner and Lee!
They got to wear official bowling shoes and receive instruction from a bowling teacher. Then they have time to bowl, and then eat lunch there! How fun is that?
Here are Tanner, Carson, and Lee right before their lessons.
Showing off their shoes!
They even got a lane all to themselves!
Here's their instructor doing stretches with them and giving specific tips on how to bowl properly. Carson fouled on his first try when his foot went too far into the lane. So funny!
Parker was super BITTER that he didn't get to play. He sulked the whole time I was there. Poor buddy.
They'll have 4 more bowling classes over the next few weeks and then they will go back on track for school. I love these obscure activities. Maybe we can find a juggling class next time they go off-track....or maybe they could learn to be mimes! Then my ears could get a break! ha ha ha!!!